Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Biology of Race

Biological race is a view supported by Judge Tucker that states "there exist natural, physical divisions among humans that are hereditary, reflected in morphology, and roughly but correctly captured by terms like Black, White, and Asian (or Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid)" (Lopez, I. 2013). Despite the belief in biological races, there is overwhelming evidence that proves race is not biological. "There is no link between FACES and RACES" (Lopez, I. 2013). No one race contains genetic characteristics that another race does not have. There is actually more genetic variation between people of the same race. Overall, humans are genetically 99.9% the same with the 0.01% difference being our outer appearance. Our hair color, skin color, eye color, shape of eyes, thickness of lips. Some how that 0.01% difference creates a wedge between fellow human beings even though we all belong to the same race.

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